Teresa Wildflower, Miniature Chemehuevi vase
Teresa Wildflower
1 5/8 x 1 x 1 in. (4.1 x 2.5 x 2.5 cm)
Accession Number
Gift of Robert Fowler Dunn
Memo / Artist Statement
Teresa's specialty are miniatures which are meticulously painted. Her subject matter is wide, ranging from tropical birds to penguins to lizards, frogs, bears and coyotes. Of special note are her lidded jars: the lids are sculpted and painted wildlife, also done to exacting scale.
Her pottery is exacting, made to a 1:12 scale (1 inch is equal to 1 foot). Confusing Teresa's work with Hopi, Zuni or Cochiti pieces is easy as she created with styles and shapes and designs from all across the Southwest Native American pottery world. Teresa isn't producing pottery any more. She did teach her daughter, Niadi, her methods and processes.
Her pottery is exacting, made to a 1:12 scale (1 inch is equal to 1 foot). Confusing Teresa's work with Hopi, Zuni or Cochiti pieces is easy as she created with styles and shapes and designs from all across the Southwest Native American pottery world. Teresa isn't producing pottery any more. She did teach her daughter, Niadi, her methods and processes.
Teresa Wildflower is a member of the Chemehuevi tribe. The Chemehuevi are the southernmost grouping of the Southern Paiutes (the Southern Paiutes traditionally lived in the Colorado River basin and the Mohave Desert in northern Arizona and southeastern California, southern Nevada and southern Utah). Teresa was born in 1935 and became probably the most recognized of Chemehuevi potters.
Date of Bio
Stylized signature
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